Trade Nation was once known as Core Spreads, and it was, at one point, a small-one office team. Since 2014, it has managed to become an industry leader for traders who are looking to trade without incurring high fees or high commissions. Trade Nation, as a brand, has been around since 2019. Though it is newer, compared to many other brokers out there, it still has a lot to offer.
Trade Nation Regulation
Trade Nation is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) in South Africa, and the Securities Commission of The Bahamas (SCB).
Trade Nation is a trading name of Trade Nation Financial UK Ltd, a financial services company authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under firm reference number 525164. Our registered office is 14 Bonhill Street, London, EC2A 4BX, United Kingdom.
Trade Nation is a trading name of Trade Nation Australia Pty Ltd, a financial services company authorised and regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, ACN 158 065 635, AFSL No. 422661
Trade Nation Financial (Pty) Ltd, registration number 2018/418755/07, is authorised and regulated by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority, FSP No 49846
Trade Nation Ltd, registration Number 203493 B, is authorized and regulated by the Securities Commission of the Bahamas, SIA-F216
Trading Platform
When you open an account with Trade Nation, you’ll get access to a straightforward trading platform where you can look to profit by trading with leverage on financial markets. Trade Nation Customer Success team who are on-hand to help, find valuable tools including charts, technical indicators and alternative data to get ahead of the markets.
Trade Nation trading platform is very easy to use, so come and see for yourself by signing up for a risk-free practice account free of charge.
This means you can get to know the platform without spending a penny, which is the perfect way for you to build confidence if you’re a beginner. Explore, learn and make mistakes without any commitment.
Trade Nation spreads remain low and fixed regardless of whether there are market fluctuations. Unlike variable spreads that could potentially be much wider by the time you exit your position, ours stay exactly the same from start to finish.
Trade Nation Minimum Account
There’s no minimum deposit to trade with Trade Nation and we don’t charge any fees for deposits or withdrawals either. Trade Nation make it easy to manage the risk and prevent you from losing more than you bargained for. Use Trade Nation online trading platform to place stop orders and limit your potential losses.
Trade Nation Demo Account
Try Trade Nation free demo account. Put everything you learn into practice and see how our platform works. You’ll also get access to all the helpful resources we offer to Trade Nation members. Use this demo account until you’re comfortable and move onto the real deal whenever you’re ready!
24/5 Customer Support
Whether you need help using Trade Nation platform or have a question about trading in general, we’re on hand 24 hours a day, Sunday 10pm – Friday 10pm (GMT) by phone, email or chat bot.
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